The note for exchange students in Oulu University, Finland. #2 :: 행동버섯 (원산지: 자연산)



  • The note for exchange students in Oulu University, Finland. #2
    영감버섯 (건,徤) 의 농장/핀란드 오울루 대학 교환학생 2019. 1. 6. 01:54

    오울루 대학 핀란드 교환 학생 일기#2

    1. 오늘 시내(오울루)에서 찍은 사진들.

    1-2. 오울루의 심볼 같은 동상

    건물들을 참 아기자기하게 이쁘게 잘 짓는다.

    2. 음식들

    2-1 오울루 대학 학식

    - 최고/ 저 좋은 퀄리티에 2.6 유로. 정말 저렴하다.

    2-2 마트

    내가 몇번인지 누르면 자동으로 계산된다. 품목별로 kg당 가격이 정해져 있다.

    All of It is just 23 Eur

    2-4 A paste which I made myself

    The note for exchange students in Oulu University, Finland.

    I will write some notes for my life in Finland. I know that there is a lot of grammatical error, But I will try.

    I hope "Grammarly" and my facebook friends help me.

    1. I can see lots of disabilities.

    The most impressive thing. Today I saw more than 10 disabilities. Probably, the rate of disabilities is similar in the world. I guess that Finland is very convenient for disabilities.
    That`s why I can see the many disabilities in here. However, in Korea, We can`t see the disabilities like this much.
    The Quality of some groups depends on how they deal with weakness. I guess that`s why we called Finland is "Developed country". I`m not disabilities, So I can`t experience directly. However, I can see indirectly. This ability looks freer than Korea.

    A car always wair for people.

    It`s hard to describe.
    When I want to cross the crosswalk, a car always reduces their speed and stop. I can`t recognize that in the first time. But when we are walking, we do not stop even we meet the crosswalk. Then, a car reduces their speed and finally stop.

    In Korea, we are learned like this. " when you want to cross the crosswalk. please look around and be careful for there is no car. You should cross the crosswalk after that."

    I guess in Finland, they learned to like this. "when you drive, If you mee the crosswalk, please look around and be careful for there are no people who want to cross the crosswalk. You should pass crosswalk after that."

    This is similar context with 1. people who are move on foot might be weaker. Therefore we should consider people first.

    3. They drink tap water.

    I drink water a lot. First time when I came to Finland, The most embarrassing thing is there is no water purifies anywhere. Even there are only a few places to sell mineral water.

    After a few days in Finland, I can realize why there is no water purifier in Finland. They usually drink tap water rather than mineral water.

    It`s probably benefits for preserve nature well.

    Nature-friendly everywhere.

    If I look around some views randomly, I expect that there are one or two people and there are around 100~200 trees on average.

    A structure is also Nature-friendly. I can see that they are tried their best to preserve nature when they build something.

    5. Buildings are adorable and lovely.

    Buildings look very small and adorable for me Who are rasing in Seoul, which has tones of density apartment.

    And also Buildings have their own character. I live in an apartment which name is "PSOAS", For young generation.

    Even apartment has own character. Each apartment has own colors and another height.

    It seems unusual for me. In Korea, the only thing the difference apartment has is the name of Brand.

    6. Fruits are very cheap

    I'm very happy for a good price of fruits. It`s very cheap rather than other crazy expansive stuff (e.g hamburger). Even cheaper than Korean fruits. I love it

    In Korea, I have some dilemma. If I want to buy a few, it`s very expansive. However, If I want to buy many, I can`t eat everything before the fruits go bad.

    By the way, In Finland, there is the rate for the price of each weight. I can buy just an appropriate amount without any calculation.


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