proposed the most creative process. :: 행동버섯 (원산지: 자연산)



  • proposed the most creative process.
    영감버섯 (건,徤) 의 농장/영어 에세이 2018. 10. 16. 00:00



    1)     Motivation

    - The most important process. Generally, this part is devalued. However, the most important question is "why I have to deal with this problem?All the people in a group have to agree "why we have to fix this problem. Because Know why you do it can only overcome when you are in trouble.

    2)     Problem definition

    - Consider about Design Requirements and constraints.

    - What's the title of this project or problem?

    - We must define the problem accurately.

    3)     Information search

    - As much information as possible regarding the problem should be collected.


    4)     Information Evaluation

    - Evaluation of information obtained in preparation (Organization of useful data, rearrangement of circular information)

    - Judge what we need and what we don't need.

    5)     Solution Technique

    - Introduce a number of possible ways to solve a problem

    - e.g., experimentation, interpretation, numerical methods, Charting, their composite use, etc.

    6)     Solution Generation

    - Specific solutions are presented for each method.

    7)     Rest

    - The most characteristic of my process

    - After the steps so far, take a rest by taking a walk, meditation, or light exercise.

    - When conscious research is cornered, unconscious research progresses.

    - When consciousness is at rest, unconsciousness studies further.

    - There is some creative tension.

    Many people have experienced a sudden rise in creative idea to answer the question at an unexpected time while doing something different.


    8)     Idea Intimation

    - Finally get some idea.


    9)     Synthesis

    - Formulate creative idea Combine and synthesize acquired concept elements to form the whole.

    10)    Verification

    - Once the year of the problem is formed through the phases of the Idea synthesis, it proves that it is actually a valuable hazard.

    - Evidence of analysis, experimentation, expert opinion, etc.

    -If this step determines that this idea cannot be realized, go back to step (4) (information evaluation, incubation) and repeat again.


     3 major advantage of my process

    1)     A strong motivation

    -  If there is a strong motivation, and it is much more efficient to communicate if everyone is deeply sympathetic to why they do this.

    2)     Rest when a conscious effort is at its maximum

    - Creativity comes from connecting two concepts in different contexts. But in a conscious brain, all concepts are categorized and clearly classified. But if you go into an unconscious state, that category becomes unclear and can be linked together, and creativity is created.

    3)     Check idea and do it again if it does not work.

    - Good ideas come from numerous attempts.

    - Shakespeare wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets over the course of 20 years, but very few of them are widely known. 

    - In the list of the world's 50 most classical music by the London Symphony Orchestra, there are six pieces by Mozart, five by Beethoven, and three by Bach. But Mozart composed 600 songs, Beethoven 650 songs, and Bach composed as many as 1,000 songs. 

    - Picasso's list of works includes 1,800 oil paintings, 1200 sculptures, 2,800 ceramic pieces, and 12,000 drawing pieces. Very few of the works we know of.

    - Those who have shown the best creativity in any field are the ones who have created the most ideas.


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