What is postmdoernism? (포스트모더니즘이 대체 뭐지) :: 행동버섯 (원산지: 자연산)



  • What is postmdoernism? (포스트모더니즘이 대체 뭐지)
    영감버섯 (건,徤) 의 농장/성장 일기 2019. 2. 4. 02:05

    Actually, we are very familiar with the expression so-called "postmodernism". In architecture, draw, even in the movie. however, we do not understand about what postmodernism is. 

    Postmodernism is "post+modernism". post mean "after or get out" 

    Postmodernism means after modernism or gets out to modernism. That`s why we have to understand modernism if want to understand postmodernism completely.

    When you heard about "Modernism", how do you feel? maybe simple.

    simple is sort of character of modernism. But not just simple. we should understand context. A period which is before the modernism is called "middle age" 

    In middle age, King, nobility and religious people like pope have most of the power. But after some few of revolution the power move into the intelligence. 

     In middle age, architecture is very magnificent and gorgeous. because the main purpose of art is not practicality. They want to show one`s wealth or the sanctity of God. After intelligence or bourgeois have power, they should rebuild the whole society. architecture, painting, philosophy... etc.

    However, they don`t have any experience with the whole thing. therefore, they start to concern about what alternative architecture is. Finally, they come to have the conclusion that they should focus on the substance or essence. 

    that`s why modernist build architecture like this. the essence of the house is "living". the main purpose of the house is "living". so they build the building really simple.  And also, they believe only science and rationality.

    However, this thought rises some problem. they focus in essence or rationality too much, there is the answer. which means, if it`s not similar to the answer, it becomes wrong. it means the difference is deal with wrong. And in modernism, the only white man treated by the mainstream. 

    So it causes two great wars.

    After world war, those who remain in the land of the ruins began to thought about the whole thing. 

    Finally, the postmodernism rises up. They think it was the problem that forced only one answer. So postmodernist start to reject about one answer and start doubt about rationality.

    So the keyword of postmodernism is "Diversity"

    The typical case of postmodernism is a diversity of love.

    In past, love has only one answer. Man and Woman love each other, marry, finally have a baby. However, they are diverse type of love. woman and woman can love each other. human and animal can love each other. If you don`t want to marry or have a baby, then you don`t have to do. 

    And the diverse look of architecture is also a good example. 

    they don`t have to be one similar shape. they can be anything. 

    In modernism perspective, the cowboy is a cool and brave man who save the society and world. But in postmodernism perspective, they can be a murderer who invades indigenous people. All viewpoints are seen as being equally valid. nothing is superior to any other. They can exist various perspective


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